When we get fooled part one

Another strategy for keeping peaceful with one’s self talk is to practice “non-attachment”. Like the archer who trains on releasing the perfect arrow in the ideal trajectory to hit the target, we train and focus and give life our best, but once that arrow is released...


Continuing our chat about self talk and the intention of thwarting “hater-free-for-alls” when we are trying to rest, I suggested a couple of different strategies. Whether we identify three things we did well in a day, or tell our minds to stay quiet so we don’t fully...

Final Moments of the Day

Bedtime rituals are the actions we repeatedly take when preparing for sleep. Even if we don’t realize we have a “routine” there are consistent actions we engage in before going to bed that are habits on auto pilot. One example is our “self talk” as we prepare to drift...

Crisis as a default

In talking with a dear friend, she was sharing something extremely challenging and brave she was about to take on. During our chat, she said that she was “weirdly” at Peace. Knowing her for several decades and what she has endured in her life, we both chuckled at the...

“Be still and your gifts will find you.”

I was so moved by this Tyler Perry quote that even though I don’t recall when I heard his words, it left a tattoo on my spirit that I could relate to. Stillness, quiet, meditation as we have briefly discussed is a way of connecting, or plugging back in to ourselves,...
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