Mourning is Selfish.

Mourning is Selfish.

Huh? Just reading that sentence should make your stomach turn.  Yet I hear this so often when trying to help others make space for their grief.  In the last post we talked about the word “selfish.”  We challenged our use of the word, and opened to the fact that the...
Lose this word from your vocabulary today!

Lose this word from your vocabulary today!

The word you likely need to delete from your database of language is “selfish.”  If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone, especially a woman, say to me “I don’t want to be selfish” I would be free of financial stressors for the rest of my life! Here are some...
Grief Drones

Grief Drones

It doesn’t seem to matter how much time has passed since I lost my daughter Alexis (1997) and my son Emmanuel (2002).  Getting around to this time of year remains a hostile threat.  It’s the dangerous kind we can’t see coming even though we have been here a million...