A Simple Meditation

I have the amazing good fortune of waking up in Santa Fe, New Mexico this morning. I answered the call to go sit outside and watch the sunrise for about 90 minutes. The air is so crisp and clean. The sun faithfully rose, slowly, steadily, and suddenly so brightly it...

When one door closes…

I love fresh air. When it’s hot, or cool and no matter what season I deeply enjoy the smell of the fresh outdoors and try to always have some source of it. I feel the same way about the car, although I mostly end up with the AC on since Zach doesn’t like the wind...

Guilt vs. Shame: Anecdote

To drive home the distinction between guilt and shame, I will share an experience from when Alexis was hospitalized (1997). We’d taken our Daughter who was six months old at the time, to Children’s Hospital in WDC. She had a consultation appt with a...

Guilt vs. Shame

I sincerely enjoy the daily guided meditations on Calm. There are many meditation type apps that are packed with goodness and resources. If you aren’t hooked up with one, consider giving one of them a try! Today’s meditation led by Jeff Warren (called “The Daily Trip”...


In 1997, we literally lived at Children’s Hospital in WDC. Alexis (our only Daughter whom we lost in September of that year) was admitted in February after we went for a doctor appointment. Although she tried to survive outside of that world, with nursing care,...