by Lisa McFarland | May 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
Over the past few years of writing blogs, I have often referred to meditation as a “magic pill” that has changed my life. It’s not the only one, but much like exercise there is too much goodness to be enjoyed by installing this practice for us to count it out. For...
by Lisa McFarland | May 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
Amazing! When Zach was delivered via emergency C-section 24 years ago today, I could have never envisioned the journey we’d all embarked on. When the doctor came from the NICU and told me that Zach had a hole in his lung and they had to place a small tube in his...
by Lisa McFarland | May 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Over 53 years of life my physical body has been challenged a lot. From broken bones and dozens of operations, to Endometriosis and C-Sections, to seizures, migraines, colitis, back injections for ruptured discs, and busted up knees, I feel like I have been so blessed...
by Lisa McFarland | May 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
A while back I shared a post called “Why Me?” It was focused on our experience of feeling victimized in situations we can’t control and don’t like, as in receiving a scary medical diagnosis. Instead of remembering that as humans we are all vulnerable to life’s losses...