Nostalgia for Sorrow

Nostalgia for Sorrow

I have been grieving throughout most of my adult life.  Tragedy first struck when I was in high school and a friend, who was a bit older than I and already in college, was violently attacked and murdered on campus just a short distance from her dormitory.  A little...
A Lesson in Non-Resistance.

A Lesson in Non-Resistance.

Earlier this season I traveled to Central NY to attend a memorial service marking the one year anniversary of the death of one of our elder family members.  I hadn’t originally planned for Zachary to join me, but when his Father had to travel South for a different...
Thirty Months

Thirty Months

After dodging the Corona Virus for two and a half years, it caught up to me.  I should mention, I am quite certain that I was an early Corona Virus host in late January of 2020.  I’d participated in my then company’s annual meeting in Nashville, TN. Colleagues...


*This was scheduled to post on July 4th and low and behold, technology did not collaborate with website settings!  So enjoy this now a few weeks later! It seems freedom is a word and a concept that to some degree, is hanging in the balance. From the January 6th riots,...