Today’s post is simply this week’s newsletter!
Bring on the Healing!
For as long as I can remember I have been writing my upcoming book: The Healing Path.
It started as an ongoing conversation I was having with myself about the shock and pain of death, and losing people we love. As years and decades have passed, I’ve realized that the healing conversation is bigger than just one person.
So I began capturing ideas that came to me. These thoughts became threads which were woven together into repeating themes, and eventually rolled up into chapters, all of which amalgamated into The Healing Path.
As such, I have a favor to ask:
Would you be so kind as to read a writing sample from The Healing Path and share your feedback with me? I will be out of pocket the next couple of weeks but plan to return to writing in early November. The document link is HERE and will be live for the next three weeks. The link is also accessible through the blog.
Take your own time checking it out, and enjoy. If you love it or hate it tell me all about it! Instructions for providing feedback are available in the sample document linked above.
? Learning to Wear our Scars as Medals of Love
In other news we are slowly and steadily building our virtual support community called “Scars 2 Medals” through a platform called Mighty Networks. This is an interactive community where we connect to share content, courses, videos, chat with one another and much, much more. Each of your experiences provides the gift of a magic ingredient that our community needs to
so please, consider this your invitation to
Be part of building this dynamic and healing “Scars-2-Medals Community” (S2MC)
? New this week! (Blog and Podcast updates): As my focus has transitioned to getting The Healing Path book out for public consumption, upcoming fresh content in the form of blog posts and podcast episodes will be shifted to an intermittent production schedule. As I commit this time to redirect my energies, PLEASE engage with robust content that is always available for your reading/listening pleasure:
“Rooted in Connection” Blog (Click HERE)
- Born on: January 10, 2021
- # of Blog Posts: 355
- Top 3 Countries: USA, Germany & Netherlands
”Healing Path Podcast” (Click HERE)
- Born on: October 7, 2021 (?)
- # of Episodes Published: 214
- # of Downloads: 2,169
- Top 3 Countries: USA, Australia & Sweden
Thank You ?? Sending a HUGE shout out and sincere blast of gratitude to everyone reading, listening, opening up (even if just a crack!) and engaging with this content. Don’t look now, but together we are building a path of healing by taking one intentional step at a time.
We are also building a movement!
And it needs you.
I need you.
There is another way to do life than white-knuckling our way through today and saving our “real” lives for tomorrow…I am 53 and I am done waiting.
Come with me!
? Lisa