Rebel Without a Cause

Like many professional folks, COVID forced me to become a virtual employee.  I went from taking the Metro to Washington, DC every day, to mostly not leaving home for anything to do with work.  And like everyone I enjoyed the humor in finding the...


I love tipping! I literally feel like it is almost a hobby of mine.  In addition to sharing resources with those who are just asking for it (see other posts on generosity) I find it so fun to over tip anyone in the service industry who is obviously working...

The Truth

There are so many sayings and lessons about this big important concept called “the truth.”  If I understand correctly, “The truth shall set you free” and “The truth always comes out.”  Veracity is a common virtue and I think most people can agree...


“Fulfillment is not only the result of self love, but is also the path to it.” ~ Lisa McFarland In scrolling through some old journals of mine, I read those words in a portion of an entry I’d made years ago and forgot about.  When I read that sentence, I found it to...

The Joy of Being

Ever feel like things are not going as fast as you might like?  Or alternatively, that they are going too fast?  Maybe there is a goal you are working toward that you just wish would “hurry up already” and get accomplished, or you are trying to get...
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