Karmic Groceries

Early this month I shared a few posts about “doing the right thing whether or not someone is looking.” (See 4/1/21 & 4/2/21.). Recall, that we all have an internal, moral compass. We don’t always turn down the volume of our lives, so we hear it. But it is always...

I’m So Happy! (Full stop)

Recently, one of my oldest and most admired friends and I were chatting. She filled me in on some amazing things that have happened in her life since we last spoke. The word amazing, cannot truly capture the news she shared. At one point I even said “What you have is...

Trusting Nature

Ever notice the way nature is present and available, embodying an easy, unfolding course of life, almost whispering to us to see to ourselves in it? When I slip ”into” the swirling chaos of the world through stress, demands, inputs, fears and attempts to control...

Sacred Ground

Yesterday a close friend of mine showed me something on his phone that caught me by surprise. It was a picture of my Daughter’s burial site, along with an image of her headstone, the names of Her Dad and and me, Her obituary and cause of death. It even listed the...


There are few areas in our lives where we can confidently categorize something as absolute. Whether talking about energy (I gave it 100%) or confidence (I am 100% sure) or anything quantifiable, it is a rare instance that “100%” truly applies. A friend and colleague...
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