Collect Calls & GPS Trackers

It’s funny how much our world changes day to day, and the longer we live, the more data we have to refer back to. It is hard not to fall into the category of people who will start using the phrase “Remember when…?” I guess it is the natural evolution of things. Sort...

Score one for nature

For last couple of days, the air conditioning unit has been out. Parts have been ordered, fans have been blowing and patience has been exercised. But its been hot, ninety degree humid hot. Which makes everything just a little more, well, hot. When I went to bed, I...

Did that really happen?

Our Daughter Alexis arrived in August, 1996. Had she been born in a body that functioned properly, we may have had the chance to celebrate her 25th birthday in a few weeks. But she wasn’t, and we won’t. Her body gave out in 1997 when she was 13 months (and 5 days)...

Money Mask

Having grown up in a diverse, socio-economic environment I am familiar with the tricks of the money mask. I attended public school (except for that one year that I went to all girls private Catholic school that eventually closed) and was raised around kids that had...

The Comparison Game

In three words: Stop playing it. I am aware of the toxicity that can result from comparing myself to others. I have heard, read, watched and learned about the detrimental effects of playing the social comparison game with “others.” I haven’t spent a lot of time on...
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