Ever notice that the word “heal” is inherently part of the word “health”? There is so much focus on health these days, we can put any word in front of “health” and call it a movement.

Mental health, physical health, fiscal health, spiritual health… are just a few that come to mind. But with all this focus on improving our various forms of health, I think we forget that the word “heal” is necessarily part of the equation and should therefore be part of any strategy implemented to achieve it.

For example, if improving mental health is a goal of ours, we must not only consider what has happened in our past, but also prioritize a process of healing, and making peace, when we do. If we are regretting, or self-shaming or blaming in order to get mentally healthy, it can’t work. Healing is part of the deal.

Fiscally, the same is true. If we are trying to increase our fiscal health (IE get out of debt, increase financial security or build profit margin) we cannot effectively do so by stepping on others or obtaining funds through ill gotten means (cheating, bribing, dishonesty). If we are manipulating others to increase our own monetary status, it can’t work. Healing is part of the deal.

In physical health, we pursue “eating plans” and diets to consume more of this food, less of that one to be “more healthy.” But if we are pouring chemicals into our bodies to lose weight, control our appetites or reduce cravings, we haven’t healed anything. Over the long term, it can’t work. Until we heal our relationships with our bodies, authentic physical health is out of reach.

Next time you are setting a “healthy” goal for yourself be mindful that without an intention of healing, health can’t happen. Healthy goals can effectuate change, and even lead to desired outcomes. But they may lead to other “unhealthy” conditions or eventually lose their stamina over time.

When pursing health of any kind, the ends do justify the means. There are no shortcuts, healing is part of the deal.