A few years back I had a geranium plant full of blossoms and color. The buds were salmon in color and they were plentiful. I’d hung it on the back deck for a summer gathering (miss those!) to make the deck more beautiful. It was!

Some weeks later, I removed the hanging plant and set it on the grass, just off the deck. I kept forgetting to water it and couldn’t keep up with removing all the dying blossoms so new ones could replace them.

I love to cut the grass on the riding Toro mower. For the remainder of the summer, I was reminded to soak that geranium with the hose, since I was already there hosing down the mower every Saturday after cutting. I didn’t spend much time pruning and the plant got smaller. I figured at least it was getting water.

Fall came and the mowing decreased in frequency. Eventually I forgot about that geranium altogether since I wasn’t in the yard and seeing it regularly. Until one day.

I happened to be in the backyard and took notice of that geranium. I hadn’t watered it, or done anything to care for it in several weeks. I was delighted and inspired to see that there were new blooms, amidst the old dried up weeds that lay around the top of the pot.

It occurred to me, that nature is perfect. When we get out of our own way, we have everything need and life takes care of itself. It’s our interference that threatens evolution, which is otherwise flawless.

I imagined that geranium to be like a person. We try to control everything. We forget that there is a higher force at work. There will be enough sunlight and rain without having to do a thing. We just need to be.

I took some photos that afternoon, to remind myself that all is well. Regardless of my interpretation of events or the way I spin my wheels trying to manage every moment. Showing up as my best is both valuable and a worthy pursuit. But beyond that, something else takes care of the rest.