A couple more thoughts on clock changes, plus applying Covey’s #1 Habit to this dynamic (see 3/14/21 post.). Although it’s true, we are about 363 days from doing this again, (I don’t think any of us mind Falling back when we “gain” an hour in Autumn.) I don’t want to miss an opportunity to illustrate how being pro-active can ease us through this process in 2022 and beyond.
If you are so inclined, start adjusting to the clock change in advance. The week(s) before we “spring forward” next year adjust your alarm (assuming you use one) a little earlier every couple of days leading into DST weekend. If your typical wake up time is 6am, set your alarm fro 5:55am for a few days, then to 5:50am, 5:45am, etc.
Incremental adjustments of this hour time change can help our bodies adjust pro-actively. Even if you don’t adjust the full 60 minutes down before we actually change the clocks, your body will still have a head start on the change.
If you don’t have that opportunity, or forget, just default to old reliable. Go to bed an hour early on the Saturday night that we move the clocks ahead. That way you can start to absorb the transition on Sunday rather than Monday (Mondays can be challenging enough without losing an hour of time.) And by all means, get to bed early Sunday night too.
For now, enjoy the extended day light hours. Light is our invitation into Spring, to plant seeds, new life and hope. Winter has been cold, dark, isolated. It’s time for us to start opening windows, and opening our hearts to the possibilities ahead. Post COVID and all.